What's the Relationship Between Vitamin D and Men's Health?

As a man, father, or husband you know the importance of taking care of your health. You want to be around for those that depend on you and enjoy life. But oftentimes we overlook an important vitamin in our diets — Vitamin D. This one crucial nutrient has been linked to multiple aspects of men’s health, so as part of being proactive about your wellness it’s worthwhile to learn more about it. 

A few weeks ago I did a social media post highlighting these benefits, but I felt it deserved a deeper dive to discuss what Vitamin D is and how its deficiencies can affect men along with actionable tips on how to ensure proper levels are maintained. Read on and discover why adding Vitamin D into your life could lead to improvements in not only physical but mental health too!

What is Vitamin D?

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin that helps your body absorb calcium and phosphorus from the food you eat. It plays an important role in many bodily processes, including maintaining strong bones, regulating cell growth, boosting immunity, aiding in muscle recovery after exercise, and promoting healthy skin. Most people outside the Equator don’t get enough vitamin D from the sun. Here in the PNW, we’re too far north to get appropriate levels from the sun. We must get it from supplements or foods such as eggs, fish, or fortified dairy products.

Studies have also suggested that there may be a link between Vitamin D levels and certain types of cancer, such as prostate cancer. In addition, some studies suggest that Vitamin D may play a role in mood regulation—which is especially important for men who are struggling with depression or anxiety.

How Much Vitamin D Do You Need?

The amount of Vitamin D needed depends on age and other factors such as sun exposure, skin type, etc. Generally speaking, most adults need between 600-800 IU (International Units) daily. For example, I take three 200 IU capsules daily (at the same time). However, older adults may need more than this due to their naturally lower levels of vitamin D production from diet and exposure to sunlight as they age. At this age we recommend a minimum of 1000 IU daily. 

Where Can You Find Vitamin D?

Outside of the equator, most people find it in certain foods like oily fish (such as salmon), egg yolks, dairy products, mushrooms and certain fortified foods like breakfast cereals or plant-based milks (e.g., almond milk). If you don’t get enough vitamin D through diet, consider taking a supplement; however, it’s always best to check your Vitamin D levels before starting supplements to know how much you should take daily.

The Role of Vitamin D in Men's Health

When it comes to men’s health specifically, research suggests that adequate levels of vitamin D could help boost testosterone production. Testosterone is an important hormone that helps regulate key body functions such as sex drive, muscle growth, fertility and sperm production, metabolism rate, and mood stability. As such, men who have lower-than-normal levels of vitamin D may have lower testosterone levels as well. Low testosterone can lead to decreased libido, fatigue, depression, and even impaired cognitive function.

In addition to its effects on testosterone, research suggests that adequate levels of vitamin D can also reduce inflammation throughout the body and help protect against chronic illnesses such as heart disease and diabetes—both conditions that disproportionately affect men compared to women.

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