What Are the Benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy?

testosterone replacement therapy
testosterone replacement therapy

What Are the Benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy?

“What ARE the Benefits of Testosterone Replacement Therapy?” We get this question a lot from men!

To answer this, we need to realize that testosterone is what makes men, “men.” Without it, we wouldn’t have the typical male Physical characteristics we have: facial and body hair, prominent brow ridge, larger muscles, and deep voices.

Physiologically it also affects the production of red blood cells and increases fertility, libido, and erections. 

Mentally & Emotionally, it aids our cognition and mood.

All of this despite what Director James Cameron says.

Why Do We Sometimes Need Testosterone Replacement Therapy?

Most commonly, as we age, the biological process of producing testosterone becomes less efficient. Around age 30-35, testosterone levels generally drop by 1% each year. As we get older, we begin to experience more signs & symptoms of low testosterone.

Here’s the most typical symptoms:

  • Early afternoon fatigue
  • Reduced sex drive (libido)
  • Reduced muscle mass
  • Loss of body hair
  • Slower beard growth
  • Obesity – especially around the abdomen
  • Poor mood/depression
  • Reduced endurance & physical strength
  • Poor focus
  • Poor work performance

"...men with optimized testosterone levels have a 36% decreased risk of a stroke and 24% decreased risk of a heart attack."

What are the Benefits of Testosterone Therapy?

1. Cardiovascular Health

Testosterone can improve red blood cell production for physical exertion and performance as well as aid in maintaining a strong healthy heart.

A study published by the US Department of Veterans Affairs found that men with optimized testosterone levels have a 36% decreased risk of a stroke and 24% decreased risk of a heart attack.


2. More Muscle Mass

This DOESN’T mean jacked or ripped. Men with optimized testosterone levels PLUS regular exercise can experience less fat, increasing lean muscle, strength, and endurance.


3. Increased Bone Density

Just like women, our bone density decreases as we age. Low T is one of the leading causes. This leads to an increased risk of fractures and osteoporosis over time.


4. Improved Cognition and Memory

Research now shows that lower testosterone levels are associated with an increased risk of developing Alzheimer’s disease. There is also convincing evidence that optimized testosterone levels improve memory, rate of recall, and cognition.


5. Increased Libido

A man’s sex drive is tied to testosterone. The higher the level = increased desire. Low testosterone can also affect the ability to achieve and maintain an erection, as well as the quality of the erection.


6. Improved Mood and Sense of Well-Being

Low testosterone has been linked to fatigue, irritability, and depression. Improved testosterone levels can help with both anxiety and depression. The best results are achieved by those who participate in regular exercise weekly.

If You're Wondering More about TRT...

Redefined Health Clinic has helped countless men like yourself assess their testosterone levels and achieve an optimal hormonal balance.

Redefined Health clinic is located in Richland, WA, but primarily via Telemedicine. If you want to learn more about TRT or have other questions about our clinic schedule your complimentary consultation online with Redefined Health Clinic.

Can Hormone Replacement Therapy Be Done via Telemedicine?

Can Hormone Replacement Therapy Be Done via Telemedicine?

Can Hormone Replacement Therapy Be Done via Telemedicine?

Can Hormone Replacement Therapy Be Done via Telemedicine?

When we first opened Redefined Health Clinic it was in the fall of 2021. At the time, the world was approaching almost 2 years since we had first heard of COVID-19. State and federal regulations of who can or can’t show up at a clinic were changing all the time and were honestly frustrating to keep track of.

The question became: Can Hormone Replacement Therapy Be Done via Telemedicine?

A year prior much of the healthcare world had already switched over to providing telemedicine via Zoom or Microsoft Teams. We knew this was an avenue for providing quality care. We started providing men’s health and hormone replacement therapy through Telemedicine in September 2021.

The Covid-19 pandemic has all but ensured that telemedicine will remain an important aspect of patient care – including hormone and testosterone replacement therapy

Enter Emergency Protocols

Because of all of the emergency COVID protocols that popped up, a lot of rules that previously limited what we could or could not do for hormone replacement therapy (HRT) were temporarily or permanently wiped away, including providing HRT prescriptions via telemedicine.

Because of these rule changes, we were able to initiate HRT therapies like we hadn’t before:

  1. FDA-controlled medications, like testosterone, could be sent to pharmacies across the state.
  2. If a provider was licensed in another state, such as Montana like we are with Redefined Health Clinic, you can also send medications to patients across state lines.
  3. Telemedicine visits counted as legitimate as an in-clinic visit.
  4. Medication refills could be sent electronically instead of sending printed hard copies to a patient.

"Testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) is likely the next frontier for telemedicine in men’s health."

Access to Care

As with anything, there are always positives and negatives. This includes providing care via telemedicine, but especially with TRT. Providing care to brand new, or established, patients through telemedicine improves overall access to care.

Eliminating geographic barriers and improving convenience to patients improves patient outcomes.

Overcoming Stigmas

Telemedicine provides a way for men who may feel uncomfortable traveling to a doctor’s office to discuss their health issues in a more private setting. Symptoms of reduced energy, loss of body hair and beard growth, reduced muscle mass, depressed mood symptoms, reduced sex drive, and reduced erectile function are difficult to talk about. 

The more access there is, the better the chances of treating these patients.

Patient Costs

Telemedicine reduces costs for both patients and providers. Considering the costs of travel, time off work, and the inconvenience of going to a clinic,  telemedicine can provide financial savings of $124 for each virtual encounter

Patient & Provider Satisfaction

A recently published national survey of  38,000 patients with 620 video visits found that satisfaction scores were significantly higher for video visits compared to in-person visits.

Providers are also highly satisfied with telemedicine. The Telehealth Impact Study, of over 1500 providers, revealed high satisfaction rates with telemedicine.

Possible Pitfalls

As with any positive, there are possible negatives. Here are just a few that we’ve identified as possible pitfalls:

  1. Lack of physical exam – we’re already working on this with plans for Mobile medicine, and a brick & mortar location.
  2. Can’t administer medications – some men simply prefer to receive medication/injections in the clinic.
  3. Technology barriers – just because you own a smart device doesn’t mean it’s set up to use for telemedicine.
  4.  Data breech/cyber security.

Redefined Health Clinic Workflow

Telemedicine offers so many possibilities for treating low testosterone. The COVID-19 pandemic and its aftermath have ensured that telemedicine will remain an important part not only in general healthcare but also in men’s health and TRT. 

Redefined Health Clinic, and many other men’s health clinics, remain committed to serving their patients with streamlined, convenient, and safe workflows to bring their patients the treatments they need with a convenience not experienced in any period of time. To see more of how Redefined Health Clinic works, visit our detailed workflow on: How the Process Works

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